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Songly Gift

Songs, poems and greetings generator



How do I guide the generator on how to perform the song?

It's easy! Use tags in the song's text to specify how it should be performed. You can learn more about tags in our Tags FAQ: Metatags for Song Generation

How long are audio and video files stored in the app?

To keep our generation prices low, we save on data storage. This means we can't store files forever. You'll find the deletion date listed under each content card. Videos marked as 'favorite' are stored a bit longer. To ensure you don't lose access to your content, please remember to download your files soon after generation.

What to do if the song or video generation is stuck?

Don't worry! If the song or video generation gets stuck, just wait a bit. Within a few hours, the song will be deleted, and the energy will be returned to your balance. We're always working to make this happen as rarely as possible.

How does the automatic balance refill work?

Every Monday, all users receive 40 energy units. This is enough to create several songs and poems. Unfortunately, we can't make the service completely free because generating songs requires significant server resources, and even free generations are paid for by us.

What to do if the stress in the song is incorrect?

AI isn't perfect yet and might make mistakes with stress in words. You can help it by using a stress symbol or capitalizing the stressed letter. On Android devices, you can insert a stress symbol by holding down the letter on the keyboard.

How to get copyright for the created songs and texts?

Our service is intended for personal use to congratulate friends and loved ones. For professional or commercial use of songs, you need to use specialized services.

What should I do if energy is not added to my balance after payment?

Sometimes, banks take a little longer to process payments, and our system doesn't immediately receive the information to update your balance. Usually, everything works quickly, and your balance is updated within a few seconds. However, there can occasionally be a delay of up to 30 minutes. If it's taking longer, don't worry! Your payment is safe. Just contact our support team, and we'll sort it out for you quickly 😊.

How do I register in the app?

We've made registration super easy! On your first login, the app automatically creates a complete account for you with a generated username and password. Just change them to something you'll remember, and you'll be able to log into your account from any device.