Using Song Structure Metatags for AI Song Generation
Song Structure Tags
In addition to the verse and chorus pattern, there are other components of a song that can be influenced with metatags. These tags help to shape the song’s structure, though the AI might follow its own patterns.
[Intro] - This tag is used to indicate the beginning of the song. However, it can be unreliable and may be better described as an instrumental break.
[Hook] - A hook is a repetitive phrase or instrumental part. Repeating a short line 2–4 times can create a memorable hook. You can use this tag to emphasize a catchy element in your song.
[Catchy Hook] - Similar to the [Hook] tag, it suggests that the hook should be particularly catchy.
[Break] - A break is a section where the lead instruments or singer stop, allowing the accompanying instruments to play. It can be used strategically to interrupt the current pattern.
[Percussion Break] - Indicates a break focused on percussion instruments.
[Interlude] - An interlude is an instrumental section inserted within the lyrics. It provides a transition or a moment of variation in the song.
[melodic interlude] - Suggests that the interlude should have a melodic quality.
[Outro] - An outro helps to prepare the song for its ending. It may include a loop or a fade-out effect in post-editing.
[Refrain] - A refrain often adds a creative touch to the end of the song.
[Big Finish] - This tag indicates a dramatic change in melody or tempo to create a climax at the song's end.
End Tags
[End] - This tag is used to signify the conclusion of the song. It may work best as its own clip, and clearing the Style Prompt or adding ‘End’ to the style description can be effective.
[Fade Out] - Indicates that the song should gradually fade out at the end.
[Fade to End] - Similar to [Fade Out], this tag suggests a gradual transition to the end.
Prompting AI with metatags is not the same as hiring a professional to edit your music. The reliability of these tags can be affected by the lyrics, the song cycle, and the AI’s inherent randomness.
Even if metatags function as intended, their effectiveness can be unpredictable. Ensure that the song’s structure and pattern are clear and that the metatags are used strategically.
Instructions for using meta tags