I could bore you tonight, it's true

I could bore you tonight, it's true
With tales so dull,
hey'll dont make you happy
But tonight, my muse inspires me
Your beauty sets my spirit free

Am I boring you?
Tell me true, tell me true
Send a carrier pigeon with your reply
Or come in person, beneath the spring sky

i gaze with sadness, sour and grim
my spirit crushed, my soul so dim
But your beauty lights my inner fire

I hate life's vanity, it's a bore
But your presence fills me with such lore
Your words drip with ink, a message so grand
A messenger's flight, a pigeon's trust

Am I boring you?
Tell me true, tell me true
Send a carrier pigeon with your reply
Or come in person, beneath the spring sky

I stood in silence, watching you speak
Through walls of words, I tried to seek
What lies beyond this fleeting fuss
A messenger's flight, a pigeon's trust

Am I boring you?
Write, send, come
Whatever it take

@ World of Dreams

Por cada me gusta, el autor recibirá:+5+10


agosto 01, 2024

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