Amidst the chaos,

Amidst the chaos,
you stand tall,
Lists of past sins
seem to call.
Fear grips tight,
but courage binds,
A sword gleams
as fate unwinds.

Lost in a cage,
destiny unclear,
Echoes of the past
linger near.
The beast stalks close
time to fight
Take the sword,
embrace the light.

Through dust and ashes,
you rise,
Break free from
deceptive guise.
No more darkness,
no more dread,
With each strike,
the beast is bled.

Lost in a cage,
destiny unclear,
Echoes of the past
linger near.
The beast stalks close
time to fight
Take the sword,
embrace the light.

Choices laid bare,
flames ignite,
In this battle,
reclaim your right.
For hope remains in the flickering flame, You are on the lists
embrace your name.

Lost in a cage,
destiny unclear,
Echoes of the past
linger near.
The beast stalks close
time to fight
Take the sword,
embrace the light.

@ World of Dreams

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August 27, 2024

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